Here are some important points for consideration;
1. Size
Buy the largest you can afford and accommodate in your garden. lt is amazing how soon you
run out of plant space. lf space is restricted try and buy a taller greenhouse and make good use of
the extra height with tiered staging and additional shelving,
2. Quality Product
Quality is a key factor because you need to be assured that your greenhouse can withstand
severe winter storms. Strength and durability are essential so there should be a frame guarantee.
Look for products made by manufacturers who have been in business for many years with good
testimonials. They have a reputation to protect.
3. Visit a Showground
Most good retailers will display a range of models of different sizes and quality from which you
can choose the one that best meets your needs and to feel comfortable when moving
around the greenhouse. lf you are tall then make sure you buy a model with generous eaves height.
It is a good idea to take along a partner to help with the decision making process.
4. Coloured Models
Customers now benefit from an expanding range of coloured buildings. The standard mill finish remains the most popular but we find the sales of green, brown and black greenhouses are
increasing year by year. Be prepared to pay more for a coloured model and also the delivery time
lengthens due to the longer powder coating process which is involved in manufacture.
5. Glazing Options
You have a choice starting with 3mm horticultural glass which is the most common and least
expensive option. Safety glass is popular with families with young children running about but it
costs more. Polycarbonate is even more expensive but has its advocates - shatterproof with
improved insulation but it can discolour and you cannot see your plants from outside the
greenhouse. Please remember that with very large lean-to's you should check with your local authority concerning planning permission and in all cases regulations require you to have
safety glass if the structure is erected over a property doorway.
Buying from country wide internet sites is not sensible because glass breakage in transit is often
the case causing delay and extra expense.
6. Siting
You need to consider convenience and you may want an electricity supply connected so don't site
a long way from the house. Try and site with the ridge in an E-W direction in order to receive the
maximum sunlight during the seasons .Avoid overhanging trees which can cause damage if
branches fall but some shelter like a privet or yew hedge on the cold side of the greenhouse can
cut fuel bills.
7. Foundation
A greenhouse needs a solid foundation. You can make your own using bricks or slabs but today
most manufacturers supply metal bases. They can either be separate from the greenhouse or
built-in for extra strength. Whatever the foundation it needs to be both level and square. If not
the glass won't fit properly.
8. Delivery Time
This depends on the time of year with the busiest time being in the early spring. As a general rule
allow 3 to 4 weeks for delivery with twice that time for a coloured model. A number of retailers
stock their most popular lines and so it maybe possible for you to pick up the boxed frame
at the time of purchase with the glass delivered to your home address by a reputable local
glazing company within a few days thereafter.
9. Greenhouse Erection
Most customers erect their own greenhouse but please make sure you sit down and read the
instructions before you start. Some customers prefer to employ a contractor which is fine
but will obviously create an additional cost. lf you decide to do the work yourself please take care when glazing. Always choose a calm day, wear goggles if possible, handle the glass with care
and most important of all do not hurry the work.
10. More information
You may find the following websites of help in gaining a clearer idea of products currently available
for sale in the UK market.
Buying a greenhouse is really for the committed gardener so if you are a beginner it might be a good idea to buy a small plastic greenhouse or a cold frame which are relatively inexpensive.
lf your interest in gardening grows you can always progress to a bigger and better structure at
a later date.
11. Special Offers
Always look out for these. At S.J.Adamson we often run special promotions during the seasons.
Also we give 5% off prices for the over 50's. We have our Lucky Numbers Draw with garden
products as prizes. lf you visit this website please tell us at time of purchase and a prize is